Friday, June 17, 2011

Use SSIS system variables effectively

Package variables are an important piece of component to create dynamic SSIS packages. There are two types of variables inside SSIS, system variables and user defined variables. System variables are not editable but can use as read only variables. The values of the system variables are set by the package for the purpose of tracking metadata such as Package ID. Effective use of system variables increases the performance of SSIS packages and using system variables is a good development practice as well. A list of system variables included in SSIS is mentioned bellow.
  • System::ContainerStartTime
  • System::CreationName
  • System::LocaleID
  • System::ParentContainerGUID
  • System::TaskID
  • System::TaskName
  • System::TaskTransactionOption
  • System::CancelEvent
  • System::CreationDate
  • System::CreatorComputerName
  • System::CreatorName
  • System::ExecutionInstanceGUID : Unique ID for each package execution.
  • System::FailedConfigurations
  • System::InteractiveMode
  • System::LastModifiedProductVersion
  • System::MachineName : Name of the computer
  • System::OfflineMode
  • System::PackageID : Unique Id generated for the package. 
  • System::PackageName : Name of the package.
  • System::ProductVersion
  • System::StartTime : Start time of the package.
  • System::UserName : Package execution user
  • System::VersionBuild
  • System::VersionComments
  • System::VersionGUID : Unique GUID for the package version
  • System::VersionMajor
  • System::VersionMinor
Two package execution instances of same package by diferent users on different machines is dipicted on the following figures. Notice that PackageID is an unique Id for the package while ExecutionInstanceGUID is unique for the package execution.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sharepoint Content Deployment Using Performancepoint Import Items Wizad

Sharepoint content deployment can be done in different ways. Its very useful feature in sharepoint since devolopers would choose the most suitable deployment technique rather creating same thing again and again. This is a another major factor to commercialize sharepoint products among most of the companies and organizations. Some popular deployment techniques  are listed below.

  • If two serverfarms are physically connected by intranet, Content deployment and path jobs is the preferable solution for content deployment.
  • If two server farms are physically diconnected, you can use sharepoint backup and restore to deploy your content.
  • If top level site to be deployed to a subsite or vise vasa, sharepoint import and export make your wish.
But today Iam going to introduce a new method to deploy performancepoint contet. This method can only be used to deploy performancepoint content rather. As BI engineers most of you have to deploy sharepoint content as performancepoint content. Therefore deployng performancepoint content between serverfarms is to be done quite frequently.

So should we have to recreate our performancepoint content from the scratch, no absolutely not. Or else should we get a backup and restore it to the new site in other server farm. No its not a wise thing to do, since when you wanted to get restore previously created performancepoint content, your new site has almost created. Then you cannot lose your data. Actually you don't want to restore a whole site to get few performancepoint content.

Therefore the preferable technique would be to use Performancepoint Import Items wizad.

To import items there should be a performancepoint workspace file (*.ddwx file). When you working with performancepoint designer you can save workspace to a .ddwx file. Please make sure that only edited items (Items in the left hand pane) can save to a file. If you are newly opened the performance point designer, you should double click on each item to get those items to the left hand pane.

Then go to the BI site where you want to restore the content. (If it is a totally isolated from the parent server farm, it doesn't matters) Open the performancepoint dashboard designer. Click on the Import items. A dialog box will pop up and ask you for a source file, then browse and locate a workspace file where you want to import.

Then you have to map source lists (Data connections and Perfomancepoint content) with destination lists. The important point to note here that is, you can directly import items to lists in the subsites as well.

Then click next to start the content deployment.

Performacepoint import items wizad is a useful piece of component inside the performancepoint dashboard designer. It reaveals you a new ere to content deployment and save your development time by easily reusing performancepoint content.